Shipping policy
We want you to have a memorable shopping experience. Our buyers are responsible for selecting high quality products to ensure a satisfactory purchase, and we also understand that occasionally we may not be able to meet all of your expectations.
You have the right to return or exchange any product within 14 days of receipt, with the following exceptions:
- Damaged (NOT defective) items
- Items that are soiled
- Items that have been altered- Items that are not in their original packaging.
- Items described in this list of exceptions will not be accepted for return or exchange.
The return window expires 14 business days after final delivery. Please do not request returns, exchanges or refunds after 14 days as we cannot grant them. If your return is approved, we will refund the price of the item(s) in the same manner in which you paid for your original order.In the case of an undelivered product due to a shipment cancellation, you can usually obtain a replacement by contacting a customer service representative. Note that we focus on email communication for all business related to orders. Please do not request returns or refunds via Facebook, Instagram or other social media.
We want you to have a memorable shopping experience. Our buyers are responsible for selecting high quality products to ensure a satisfactory purchase, and we also understand that occasionally we may not be able to meet all of your expectations.
You have the right to return or exchange any product within 14 days of receipt, with the following exceptions:
- Damaged (NOT defective) items
- Items that are soiled
- Items that have been altered- Items that are not in their original packaging.
- Items described in this list of exceptions will not be accepted for return or exchange.
The return window expires 14 business days after final delivery. Please do not request returns, exchanges or refunds after 14 days as we cannot grant them. If your return is approved, we will refund the price of the item(s) in the same manner in which you paid for your original order.In the case of an undelivered product due to a shipment cancellation, you can usually obtain a replacement by contacting a customer service representative. Note that we focus on email communication for all business related to orders. Please do not request returns or refunds via Facebook, Instagram or other social media.